Version 3.x Download & Help : Comments : 69





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2025-01-30 17:56 Qruzan Rating: Bad
My 360ce program is not opening It doesn't give an error, nothing happens, no matter how many times I click on it and run it as administrator, it doesn't open.
2024-09-29 21:58 vitinhupjl Rating: Very Good
incrivel, heroi, salvador
2024-06-28 21:12 OMEGA Rating: Bad
Bonjour je tiens à exprimer mon incertitude envers votre logiciel qui me comblait depuis des jours Mais j'ai constaté qu'il y avait un problème au niveau de mon casque et mes écouteurs filaires, une fois que je les branche à mon ordinateur je n'arrive plus à utiliser la manette et encore moins les écouteurs ni ni écouter ni parler dans mon micro, C'est le logiciel qui bugs, ça fait un bug cisaillant qui n'arrête pas tant que je débranche pas les écouteurs ou quitte le logiciel, j'espère que avec mes informations vous allez réparer ce problème qui est très important pour moi quand je joue avec mes amis car ils ne m'entendent pas
2024-06-03 19:10 Not Easy to Use Rating: Bad
Confusing User interface.
Detects Xbox controller, but Remaps keys are all greyed out.
Hard to understand how to remap DPAD <> Analog Sticks and Triggers Hard<>Soft Pull interface.
2024-05-29 04:18 K A Rating: Bad
no sirve cuando abro el x360ce solo comienza a abrirse y cerrarse como loco
2023-09-20 15:19 ANO Rating: Very Bad
X360ce crashes my mouse and keyboard after 1 minute of usage. mouse lags and then crashes. Computer is still responsive. X360ce also doesn't detect controller on launch, and then randomly detects it when I select the controller. Issues started with new controller. Delete program data folder, issues still persist. No fixes have been found on github or google.
2023-06-14 11:40 JJ Rating: Bad
The game cannot be played when force feedback of Fishing Planet is enabled.
2023-02-26 17:37 me Rating: Good
i delet my device in sectin add i wanr to add hem again how
2022-09-07 10:15 Eric Pan Rating: Bad
Frankly,the update sucks
2022-08-07 07:16 YGRITE Rating: Bad
first it's work in sekiro shadow die twice but when i intall mod the soft ware didn't work

it said: Fatal Error: Could not detect game. Make sure you are using one of the supported games and that your exe is not renamed.
2022-07-30 13:58 gsx96 Rating: Very Bad
Used to work. Now the damn thing works inside its own app and nowhere else. What ever you did, congrats. Turned a perfectly good piece of software into a hunk of useless time vampire dogshit.
2022-07-23 17:56 D3bs38 Rating: Very Bad
worst emulator ever, when you have steamgrid this is just useless lol
2022-07-14 20:43 david babic Rating: Bad
ur program have problem now and then it doesent recognise like right analog exists...when i turn off analog by the middle button it recognize it like im touching buttons so its not something with my controller ... tryed on 2 controllers and still not working .. BAD SOFTWARE
2022-06-15 22:43 Leprechaun Rating: Very Good
A fairly new game "Soda Crisis" did not work, the new version of the emulator did not work, installed the old one of 2018, launched it from the game folder and cloned the xinput1_1 file, changing the numbers, as indicated in the example and it all worked!) Thank you
2022-05-22 12:36 OSH Rating: Very Good
Any chance for Linux version?
2022-04-02 23:21 Gustavo Rating: Bad
I formatted my PC yesterday and today downloaded the Emulator again, but it does not open at all. Does anyone know what that could be? What files are he missing from opening? And yes I've already installed DLL xinput, Visual C+++, Net Framework, DirectX. But he still doesn't want to open it. I'm even giving up trying to make it work.
2022-03-13 17:59 Rafael Nunes de Sousa Rating: Bad
Erro PAD0, não faço ideia de como resolver, só encontro vídeos e soluções em inglês.
2022-03-01 08:10 VictorMan74 Rating: Very Good
I use x360ce x32 and x360ce x64 for some games to convert mi G29 in one xBox Controller for this games.
So far everything is correct.
But I found two games where neither works for me.
I decided to use x360ce (ALL) for these games and SURPRISE!!!
My G29 has now changed settings.
Until then the accelerator and brake were recognized by all programs (MAME, Joy2Key, PC Games...) as Left Stick Up and Down.
After running x360ce this has changed and now the pedals on my G29 are Z axis + and -.
Not just for x360ce where that is precisely what I want.
have switched to Z axis for all programs whether x360ce is running or not.
I have searched everywhere in the WIndows registry without finding bada from x360ce, Jocys, Toca or Vig Em Bus, I have uninstalled VigEm Bus, uninstalled LG Hub and cleaned everything related to LG HUB from the windows registry and its remains in folders such as AppData or Programdata.

There is no way, I can't get my G29 to return to its previous state, the pedals have already been left as a Z axis and there is no way to change it.
Now the clutch is the one who makes the Left Stick Up and Down.
Does anyone know what could be causing it and how to fix it.
There are many systems that I already have configured with the initial configuration of the steering wheel.
I have not been able to reproduce this problem on another PC with another G29.
There it maintains the factory configuration and in device type it recognizes it as "Driving" while in my PC it puts type "Joystick" and has changed the configuration.
2022-02-10 12:20 Hello Rating: Bad
d-pad works fine but ABXY buttons don't work at all.
2022-02-05 15:38 junaid Rating: Bad x360 controller emulator has stopped working
2021-12-29 14:16 me Rating: Very Bad
dogshit update. if it ain't broke don't fix. fucking cocksuckers.
2021-12-14 12:02 Bluestacks user Rating: Normal
Why does my controller overtake the mouse cursor instead of controlling the analog stick in bluestacks?
2021-11-25 03:51 Nostimeu Rating: Bad
I've been using x360ce on my computer for a while and it was great. However, as of the last update it became unusable due to lag on the controller. I don't know why this is happening, the control spends a period working normally, and suddenly it crashes, resolve this please
2021-07-18 02:14 Reuben Sammich Rating: Bad
Emulator was working fine last night. Today, it will not recognize my controller. Was working fantastic, and I haven't made any changes.
2021-07-09 04:11 crash fix Rating: Very Good
if your x360ce is crashing at startup you can try repair your visual c++
2021-06-17 10:28 fuck you Rating: Very Bad
complete morons to fuck up programming such a simple thing, saying you are double digit IQ would be generous
2021-06-07 18:16 Lozt Rating: Very Bad
It just doesn't hide the HID inputs, I have tried many solutions but it just doesn't work.
2021-06-01 00:19 EDY Rating: Very Good
2021-05-30 19:46 Bat Joro Rating: Very Bad
I have used some old version before and everything was nice but now i can`t even install it without block my mouse or keyboard when i handle with this then it block my keyboard in game so why this is so useless now :/
2021-05-10 06:37 USer Pog Rating: Very Good
Is so good, bat thing is they don't update it frequently
2021-05-02 23:00 Tu Puta Madreeeeeeeeeeeee Hijoeputa Rating: Very Good
Este programa es la verga quiero que me la chupeeeeeeeeeeen pa que me den la versión beta

In English.
This program is the dick I want you to suck it to me so that they give me the beta version
2021-04-20 09:53 T Rating: Very Bad
Something is up, it stop responding even after I downloaded the latest version. It war running fine 3 days ago what happen?
2021-04-18 01:24 D Rating: Very Bad
very Useless
2021-03-22 11:00 Raaj Rating: Very Good
My d pad is not working. Annoying as I have to use my key board when I have to go to the menu in darksouls 2. Other ways it's great.

Any solutions?????

Even after assigning the d pad for my joystick it is not working. Please any solutions?
2021-03-13 06:30 Nobodyfds Rating: Very Bad
Been using this for years. Used to work flawlessly. Then all of a sudden stopped working. The update probably broke this. Time to buy a real xbox 360 controller now since x360ce became garbage.
2021-03-01 09:55 نككنةنوة Rating: Very Good
اتبلتلال نتلاىن تنى نت
2021-02-18 07:16 Badudu Rating: Normal
I used this app for almost 6 month, then when i wanna play Yakuza Kiwami, The Last Remnanr, etc. The game does not respond the app, but when i played story of season doraemon, the game respond the app, any solution please..?
2021-02-02 12:15 Rednaxela Rating: Very Bad
Had this app for a long time. Then it just stopped working. Doesn't detect my controller, doesn't even search for drivers when I downloaded it again. All I get is a blank screen. This app WAS great. It's a fucking disaster now.
2021-01-27 04:00 Dadidu Rating: Good
My controller work but, after a while it's not responding. And my controller working again, so how do you fix this??
2021-01-20 22:16 Sil Rating: Good
It works very well for me in the basics.
But all the side options are double bound to various buttons.
2021-01-10 16:46 coponico Rating: Very Bad
my keyboard disables when i run x360ce
2021-01-08 12:48 Dmytro Rating: Bad
My usb keyboard disables when i run the x360ce (while the mouse is still working). I have not installed HID Guardian!
2021-01-06 11:53 dukes Rating: Very Bad
why cant my gamepad find settings online
2021-01-03 00:11 Derpy Pony Rating: Bad
hello, i have a very annoying problem with version 4.x, my x360ce is
stopping working and closing a few seconds later, I tried to run as administrator and also tried to use the compatibility mode, I don't see the problem, it just closes and that's it. fix this, please.

Note¹: version 3.x is working normally.

Note²: all my Drivers are up to date.

Windows: windows10 pro
Controller: generic usb control
2020-12-28 22:22 Robo Rating: Very Good
Hi, x360ce works mostly great. Only in newly installed game "My time at Portia" from Epicgames gamepad randomly and repeatedly stops to react for few seconds, then works fine for a while etc. Any tips how to repair this problem? (When playing side-to-side with tester still reacts without any issue, while game lags)

Game: My Time at Portia
System: Win 10
Gamepad: iPega Bluetooth

2020-12-23 09:04 Ultra Rating: Bad
Latest all 32 - 64 Version V4.17.15.0
1.Can'T start from Autostart on Win 10 Pro .
2.Autominimize no function.
3. had some Probs in minimalisation modus.
2020-12-22 13:57 Nerelda Rating: Very Good
Exactly what I needed to get my off brand Switch Pro controller to work with FFXIV! My only wish is that I could use my particular controller wirelessly as well. If there is a way I can help with this, please let me know. :)
2020-12-09 20:50 me Rating: Very Bad
i think the old playforms performs better
2020-12-07 15:15 mars Rating: Very Bad
very very bad update In fact you ruined the whole program.previous version was so much better and easy to run
2020-11-27 12:53 MadMax Rating: Good
Is there any solutions with Dualsense force feedback? Works better than with steam
2020-11-07 02:55 Budi Rating: Very Bad
so the problem is always HID Guardian?
2020-10-19 00:14 David Rating: Very Bad
My mouse and keyboard are not detected by windows and now I can't log in. what can I do to fix this
Instructions on how uninstall HID Guardian manually when access to Keyboard and Mouse is lost:
2020-10-12 20:24 Silvia Rating: Bad
Giving net framewok error when I open. :( Could you fix this please?
2020-10-09 07:08 Nara Rating: Very Bad
When I Plug in my Controller, The Emulator suddenly force close
2020-10-06 13:55 Freddy Rating: Bad
This tool doesn't help me for any games. failed to detect in forza horizon 4 and snowrunner. tool detect joystick but game doesn't detect it. Found it useless
2020-09-21 03:37 Naufal Rating: Normal
my usb mouse and keyboard becomes undetected after i run the x360ce,any solutions? mouse and keyboard is currently doing okay but after i run the program and settings some buttons to the gamepad...sometimes it makes my mouse and keyboard becomes undetected and it says unrecognizavle or even damaged usb
2020-09-17 18:48 Nick Smith Rating: Normal
how can i get it to work on Split Second? been trying for some time now
2020-09-09 03:05 Anon Rating: Very Good
You do great bro, app is great but theres issues with hidden my generic gamepad... so I get double inputs
2020-09-04 06:30 Sliver Rating: Normal
Hi guys,
I really like the fact we only need one file that deal with all the games.
Unfortunately it doesn't work when I want to play 'Blur' it was working with your previous versions. I don't know if you have any clue about how to fix that. I have used:
I really hope to be able to play that game as soon as possible.

Therefore it works fine with: 'Ori and the Will of the Wisps'

I'm very grateful for that great tool you are offering to us.
2020-08-22 02:26 David Rating: Normal

Hey bro, I downloaded your emulator and it is conflicting with the sharkoon dac pro s audio card, it keeps changing the audio device and so the program does not work, already in version it does not have this bug!
2020-08-21 18:33 дима Rating: Normal
у меня запускаеться x360ce и у меня он запускаеться и сразу же отключаеться
2020-08-17 01:17 WILLY WALKER Rating: Bad
hello, my name is will, I'm a youtuber and I do a lot of content for the platform with the x360ce, but recently the emulator stopped working correctly on several of the machines it owned, both in people and in the lan house, the error in question and the ( pad0 misconfigured device check guids. could you help me, if possible help and solution would even make a video for the channel showing how to solve

my contact email and

or whatsapp +55 41 992615025
2020-08-12 14:06 Damian Rating: Very Bad
x360ce does not detect pad. How to fix it?
2020-08-10 03:03 Gustavo Rating: Normal
I've been use all of time, but now when I press one botton , its press two in one time, how fix?
2020-08-09 22:14 Anon Rating: Very Good
You do great bro, app is great but theres issues with hidden my generic gamepad... so I get double inputs
2020-07-31 08:53 Yott Rating: Normal
Its working, but I can't record the buttons. (version 4)
the old one (Version 3.xx) were okay with my joystick but wont connect to the game.
I play Darksiders: Genesis by the way
2020-07-25 16:38 AkumaPower Rating: Very Good
Fantastic update, thanks to everyone involved the best option for PS3 control B-MAX BM 027 works with all the options including vibration really made it a native xbox control.
2020-07-25 13:25 vik Rating: Very Bad
Not working in game, previous were working.
2020-07-21 02:05 Stiv Rating: Very Bad
I tried everything, but it still doesn`t work, it close my game always